
kom stick ett hål..


Oj satan så bakis jag är. Eller det blir bättre iaf. Man ska gå upp, dricka vatten och göra nåt för att det ska gå över. AKTIVERA sig. Men jag tror att det här med att simma varje söndag kanske får vänta lite. Känns som att min ekonomi inte direkt tillåter det just nu.

Ja, igår var en höjdare helt klart.

”Those were sunny days..”

Satan det är ju varmt!

”I can see clearly now..”

Eller så är jag blind. Eller inte. Eller GAH!

”I’ve kept it inside for the longest time
And I can’t keep keeping in
All this love that is in my heart
Maybe it’s safer not to say that I care
Maybe this road won’t lead me anywhere, but

If I don’t tell you now
I may never get the chance again
To tell you that I need you
Tell you what I’m feeling
If I keep these feelings in
And if I don’t say the words
How will you hear what’s inside in my heart
How will you know baby, if I don’t tell you now

I’d give anything to be in your dreams
And I can’t stand standing by
With this dream locked inside my heart
Maybe I’m only gonna make a mistake
And there a chance maybe my heart will break, but

If I don’t tell you now
I may never get the chance again
To tell you that I need you
Tell you what I’m feeling
If I keep these feelings in
And if I don’t say the words
How will you hear what’s inside my heart
How will you know baby, if I don’t tell you now

How will you know you’re inside my soul
Oh it’s driving me crazy
’Coz you don’t see
You’re the world to me
I’m so afraid to say the way that I feel, and

If I don’t tell you now
I may never get the chance again
To tell you that I need you
Tell you what I’m feeling
If I keep these feelings in
And if I don’t say the words
How will you hear what’s inside my heart
How will you know baby, if I don’t tell you, if I
If I don’t tell you now
How will you hear what’s inside my heart
How will you know baby”

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